Men and women are not equal.

Kay Goodwin
2 min readDec 13, 2023


I’m not a feminist.

Though I am a woman.

The modern day feminism is about women living like men. If it is socially acceptable for a man to do something then it should be socially acceptable for any woman to do the same. And the standards should be the same.

But I disagree.

(yes, men and women are equal in value — that goes without saying, but that’s not what the modern feminism is about.)

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

There is no equality between men and women. How could there be? There isn’t even equality between any two human beings, male or female — so how could there be equality between two groups of people, or between 8 billion people? We’re not equal.

We aren’t equal in our physical characteristics, in our capabilities, in our experiences or in our personalities.

We’re distinctly different.

Our brains are different

  1. Did you know men have 10% larger brains than women (no, it doesn’t mean they’re smarter)?

One area in which they do differ is the inferior-parietal lobule, which tends to be larger in men. This part of the brain is linked with mathematical problems, estimating time and judging speed.

2. Women have more gray matter in their brain than men, but they use more white matter. Men’s using of gray matter more might explain the fact that men often excel in task focused projects, whereas women more probably will excel at multitasking and language.

3. Women have a stronger connection in the brain from side to side which might make them better at analyzing, making conclusions and intuitive thinking.

Men, on the other hand, have a stronger connection from front to back which could lead to better perception skills and stronger motor skills.

And we’re different and unequal in so many other ways as well, such as:

  • Men have thicker skin
  • Men have stronger bones, ligaments and tendons
  • Men have more muscle mass
  • Men’s primary fuel when exercising is carbohydrates while women’s is fat.
  • Women have lower blood pressure
  • Women need more iron
  • Men need more calories and more protein
  • Women have a bigger body fat percentage

Etc… and these are just a handful of differences in our physical bodies.

So, we’re not equal. Equality of men and women is a lie.



Kay Goodwin

A mother and a homemaker seeking ever more ways to improve and to succeed.