Have you planned your 2024?

Kay Goodwin
2 min readJan 9, 2024


I’m not telling you now is the time. The time has passed.


Seriously, you’re not supposed to make your plan for the year during the year, but before it.

If you planned to read some books you should have bought them and they ought to have been on your shelf by the New Year’s Eve arranged in the order in which you’re going to read them.

But if you haven’t set your goals yet , now is the time to write them down. You can read that again — I said, “write them down.” It’s crucial your goals are written down. Goals that haven’t been written down aren’t goals. They’re just dreams and hopes.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Your goals should have more than just the title “I want X.” It should read something like:

  • I want to lose 10 kg.
  • Date I’ll achieve the goal is 1st of October 2024.
  • I will reach the goal by eating such-and-such a number of calories each day and exercising such-and-such a number of hours a week.
  • I will make sure I follow my new diet in the following way:
  • I will check my progress once a week.
  • Plan B: how I will get back on track if I start slacking:
  • How I will reward myself after achieving the goal:

With this type of list, you actually stand a chance of achieving any major goal.

And as Peter Drucker wisely said:

“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work,”

after writing down your goals, you should place them somewhere you can see them everyday so you won’t forget, and start putting your plan into action right away.

Make the future you proud.

Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash



Kay Goodwin

A mother and a homemaker seeking ever more ways to improve and to succeed.